Thread: 2.4 GHz Antenna
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Old March 18th 04, 01:22 AM
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Default 2.4 GHz Antenna

I am looking into setting up remote monitoring of a lab at my
company using 2.4 GHz wireless cameras. The monitoring location would be
in a nearby building (a few hundred feet away across a small parking lot).
I know the range of those cameras is not very far, so I'm wondering if
anyone has any experience using any directional antennas (such as those
used for WiFi or the LPY2 "log periodic Yagi" from Ramsey Electronics) to
increase range on the receiver end. Assuming the stock transmitter
antennas are pointed toward the monitoring location, is there any chance I
could get this to work? Recommendations for specific antenna models are
also appreciated. I am planning on using an AOR AR-8600MkII receiver with
NTSC decoder board since the cameras are of different makes and the
channels they use vary across manufacturers.
