Thread: 2.4 GHz Antenna
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  #10   Report Post  
Old March 21st 04, 08:06 PM
Posts: n/a

The R3 would not see the same transmitter through one adjacent wall in
the next room, maybe fifteen feet airline. The professional receiver
sees full quieting even in the pouring rain when you need a
significant fade margin.

I'm not any expert, but that has been my experience, also. After failing to
pick up any 2.4 GHZ video on my R3, I gave in and bought a wavecom
tramsmitter/reciever pair.

I transmitted from my bedroom, which was a very small room at the time. The r3
picked it up inside the room, but could not pick it up at all outside the
bedroom (only about 3 feet away), while the Wavecom reciever picked up the same
transmission from several rooms away.

Anyone expecting the R3 to receive wireless video is likely to be

And yes, I did expect the R3 to recieve wireless video (from all of the
advertising hype about it), and yes, I was sisappointed with it as such.

As I said, I'm not any expert on this stuff.

So it's good to have experts like you in this newsgroup. so that I and others
csn learrn about some of this stuff.