Thibideaux ...
^ If you wanted ... just one radio ... -
^ SWLing,
^ AM/FM,
^ vhf/uhf receiver,
^ and amateur radio transmitting (all bands) -
^ portability and ease of operation in emergency situations
You say "VHF/UHF" and "all [amateur] bands" so I assume you mean "all Amateur
VHF/UHF bands. I would get the Kenwood TH-F6:
- It transmits on 2m, 1.25m, and 70cm.
- It receives from 0.1 MHz to just under 1.3 GHz.
- It receives SSB from 0.1 MHz to just under 470 MHz.
- It has two receivers and will simultaneously receive and output audio on
both. It will even scan separately on both.
However, for versatility and durability in the field I prefer Icom's IC-T90A.
It has a very durable chassis (I've dropped it 1 meter to cement and asphalt
several times) and two very easily programmed VFO's. With an external
antenna, the 6m band on this radio covers good range.
What I really need is the TH-f6 combined with the T90A to give me 70cm,
1.25m, 2m, and 6m, dual receivers, and SSB. The addition of 10m FM would also
be nice. I will also gladly accept an SSB handheld for any/all HF bands.