Most scanners do not handle SSB mode. That's generally only available on
communications receivers, HF ham transceivers or higher-priced wide-band
handheld receivers like the Yaesu VR-500 or AOR AR8200. SSB is rarely, if
ever, used on VHF/UHF, so typical VHF/UHF scanners have only AM/FM/WFM
modes, and sometimes they don't even have WFM--for instance, the PRO-95
doesn't have it. If you need trunking capability, I agree that the PRO-95
would be a good choice as long as you don't need FM broadcast or TV audio.
- Doug
"Jim" wrote in message
Thanks for the responses so far. I do have ICF-2010 for HF and Air
Band coverage. I am mostly interested in the encrypted transmissions.
I guess any normal scanner would pick up FM/AM/SSB modes. I don't
want to just hear hiss or crackles on 440.650 MHz for instance.
I want to listen to things that are not meant to be heard. :-)
"Andy in NJ" SHORECOGS at COMCAST DOT NET wrote in message
More information needs to be known before anyone can suggest a scanner.
1. What frequency ranges will you be listening to?
2. Will you need to listen to trunked or digital transmissions?
3. How many channels are the minimum?
4. Do you need AM capabilities? (Listening to air band?)