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Old May 8th 04, 03:29 PM
: DeeVee :
Posts: n/a

Years ago, when cell calls could be heard on
scanners without modifications etc .. back before
there were CHEAP cellphone talk time plans ...
when people would say, " I will call you when I
get to the office or home, I am on my
$$cellphone$$." I heard a man on his cell, calling
a pay for phone sex number ... I thought to myself
... As expensive as this call must be, he could
have hired a hooker ..

Is this the wrong type of post to make here ??
Sorry if I offended anyone.

From the messy desk of: DeeVee
28°52' 925" N / 81°14'.318" W (give or take)
Disclaimer: I have no idea what I am talking

"toplocker" wrote in message
| I'm a freelance journalist doing an article on
cel phone spy culture
| and would love to talk to some people who have
done this with some
| frequency. I can quote anonymously and am not
looking to do a hatchet
| job. Just wanting to learn more about it.
| Anyone willing to talk can email me @

| Thanks
| Michael Clarke