May 9th 04, 05:35 AM
(BigFoot14W) wrote in
I have a Yaesu VX5 and ADMS-1E software version 2. Since the last
time I used the software, I have gotten a new computer, and the
software no longer works. I just get a "Clone TX" message followed by
"Clone Error". I have tried various ports, have downloaded EVE and
YARD, and I can't get it to work on either my desktop running Windows
2000, or a laptop running ME, or another laptop running XT. Any
Does Yaesu, or anyone else for that matter, sell software that has a
chance of working?
Not that this will help you if I'm right, but my ADMS software for the vx-5
(version 2.25) states in the help file that it runs under win3.1, 95, 98,
and may run under NT. Presuming you're running XP on your newer computer
maybe that's the problem?
Hope I"m wrong though, when I upgrade I'm probably gonna switch to XP also.
Good luck