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Old May 9th 04, 07:03 PM
Posts: n/a

"Bill Crocker" wrote in

Icom ships the PCR-1000 with Bonito's software now.

I've always preferred the PCR-1000, over the WR-1550e. From a software
point, they both could use improvement.

Bill Crocker

The Bonito software is cack IMHO. No support, many bugs and definitely
some of the worst available for the PCR-1000. Icom software while berift
of features, at least works There are others out there, TakPCR e.g.
that are much better. But I do agree there is room for improvement. Mostly
it is a fuyn radio to have amd play woth and there are some neat things
you can do with it and some of the sound card software out there. PEople
get a kick out of seeing the digital pager messages flowing by on the
screen for example
