May 23rd 04, 03:10 PM
"Dave" wrote in message
"Ian White, G3SEK" wrote in message
Dave wrote:
"Reg Edwards" wrote in message
Reflected power is a mere fiction. Power which is not radiated from
antenna never actually arrives there. In fact it never leaves the
but, but, but, i can SEE reflected power! it shows on my TDR, i can
ghosts in video from it, i can measure it, i can catch it in a
how can it be fiction?!?!?!
You aren't being literal-minded enough. When you claim to "see" and
"measure" reflected power, you're applying theories that assume it
exists. You are not proving that it does exist.
What shows on your TDR, as ghosts on your TV, and also on a slotted
line, is the interaction between forward and reflected voltage waves.
Likewise a circulator (or a directional coupler) processes the voltage
and current waves. I've yet to see a fully detailed functional
explanation of any of those devices in terms of power waves alone.
That is because "forward and reflected power waves" is a derivative
concept. It depends on concepts of voltage and current waves for its
existence; but it doesn't add anything useful that we didn't already
i know that, i was just trying to get in all the bogus arguments before
anyone else did. 'power waves' are a concept invented to simplify some
concepts, but instead they just hide the important details. we have been
over and over that on here in the past and always end up in the same
i was just hoping to skip right to the end.
maybe if i had learned to use smileys it would have helped.... what is the
sarcastic one?? something like ;-^ or something like that??