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Old May 23rd 04, 05:06 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Richard Clark wrote:
As for the math, you will find it by
the reams, once you've been overwhelmed with the arcana of hyperbolic
descriptions of a novel physics that have to proceed its proof.

A scattering parameter analysis, described in HP Application Note
95-1 (available on the web) is ideal for analyzing what happens
at a match point in a typical ham radio antenna system.

b1 = s11(a1) + s12(a2)

b2 = s21(a1) + s22(a2)

b1 is the net forward voltage, b2 is the net reflected voltage
a1 is the incident forward voltage, a2 is the incident reflected voltage

Quoting from HP AN 95-1: Another advantage of s-parameters springs
from the simple relationship between the variables a1, a2, b1, and
b2, and various power waves:

|a1|^2 = Power incident on the input of the network.
(forward power incident on the match point)

|a2|^2 = Power reflected from the load.

|b1|^2 = Power reflected from the input port of the network.
(power reflected from the match point back toward the source)

|b2|^2 = Power incident on the load.

The previous four equations show that s-parameters are simply
related to power gain and mismatch loss, quantities which are
often of more interest than the corresponding voltage functions.

|s11|^2 = Power reflected from the network input divided by
power incident on the network input

|s22|^2 = Power reflected from the network output divided by
power incident on the network output

|s21|^2 = Power delivered to a Z0 load divided by power available
from a Z0 source

|s12|^2 = Reverse transducer power gain with Z0 load and source

End quote.

b2 is the voltage reflected back toward the source and

b2 = s21(a1) + s22(a2)

It should be obvious that b2 cannot be zero unless there exists
total destructive interference between s21(a1) and s22(a2), i.e.
s21(a1) is equal in magnitude and opposite in phase to s22(a2).
73, Cecil

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