Thread: Ham Radio Desks
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Old May 17th 04, 04:09 AM
Posts: n/a

ha - yes, I've actually thought about custom-built and what I would want,
and considered all you mentioned, actually. I think I feel a trip to Home
Depot coming on

"Gray Shockley" wrote in message
On Sun, 16 May 2004 18:52:50 -0500, hamzio wrote
(in article ):

Very nice consoles, but a little bit more heavy duty than what I am

for. Heavy pine is what I had in mind, almost like a work bench type

with a matching hutch/console. But thanks for the reply and the link!

In many cases, having a woodworker build a desk to your specs
isn't more - or, at least, very much more than buying a
well-built commercial desk.

There are a couple of features that you could "build in". One
would be adjustable shelves and another might be either
laminating between two pieces of the desk or simply "surfacing
the various pieves with sheet copper which could be tied together
and grounded.

I've never tried that but it could be "interesting".

Also, you could have have the rear of the "desk top" tilted
slightly for ease of use.

Also (grin), you can build your AC distribution in. I have done
that and it /really/ beats "the usual mess".

The same thing can be done by building in antenna inputs/outputs.

And it's a chance to have two very nice speakers built into the

Want any more suggestions [bwg]?

Gray Shockley
DX-392 DX-398
RX-320 DX-399
CCradio+ w/RS Loop
Justice AM Antenna
Torus Tuner (3-13 MHz)
Vicksburg, MS US