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Old May 17th 04, 06:39 AM
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Default can't upload to Pro92 scanner using purple cable and Win92

I am using a purple cable along with their usb/serial interface cable and
Windows XP-Pro. I have successfully downloaded the data from the pro92 into
the computer. After editing and adding several frequencies, I am trying to
upload to the scanner.

The problem(s) are these: If I have "enable read back tests" checked on in
the serial configuration, I get a message upon attampting upload that says
"Expected to read back the data we just wrote and this failed..." the com
port is correct, etc. the only way I can get it to appear to upload is by
unchecking the "enable read back tests." When I do that and try to upload,
the computer acts as if the data is sending but the scanner says "sending
data" instead of "receiving data" during the upload to the scanner. And
after that completes and I check the scanner after "upload" only the
original data is there.

Nothing came across from Win 92 and the computer. When I try to verify the
data using Win92, it tells me that the verify failed." Any suggestions would
be appreciated.

Thanks. CC