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Old May 18th 04, 02:40 AM
Steve Giovanis
Posts: n/a
Default Radio shack has gotten away from aggressively marketing scanner radio's

Hello friends
I am wondering why Radio shack has gotten away from aggressively
marketing scanner radio's? There was a time that i could walk into any
radio shack. And they had every model that they carried at the time up
and running and took the time to show you how they worked.. I don't know
about your Radio shacks. But the ones around here don't even have them
on display! They are in their boxes behind the counter. How are you
going to sell a scanner in a box behind a counter? Our community could
have scanners flying off the shelves in the days leading up to the "G8"
summit. Especially with the assistant county police chief in a public
meeting related to the summit urging people to buy a scanner so they'd
know what was really going on around town in the weeks leading up to and
during the summit. I encourage you to point your browsers to

and tune into my live scanner feed. It will not be up 24/7 as I only
have one trunk tracker. However it is up and running at the moment and
will be during the evening and early morning hours. I usually take it
off the air at or around 11:00 but only for a short period of time. I'd
love to hear from everyone . Please be sure to leave a note in my
guestbook! Steve