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Old May 23rd 04, 06:34 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Tam/WB2TT wrote:
I am not quite sure what you are saying. But, I ran a SPICE simulation of
the following:
1V 1MHz source with resistor R0 feeding a 50 Ohm 250 ns transmission line
shorted at the far end. Independent of R0, in steady state the voltage at
the input end of the transmission line will be 1V. The effect of R0 is to
limit how long it takes to reach steady state. For R0 = 50 Ohms, it is one
cycle; for R0 = 500 Ohms, it is about 8 cycles, as eyeballed off the
waveform display.

Does SPICE report the steady-state forward and reflected waves
or just the superposition of those two waves? We all know what
they look like when superposed. The question is whether the
identity of the forward and reflected waves disappear after
they are superposed. To the best of my knowledge, the very
existence of standing waves requires the existence of a forward-
traveling wave and a rearward-traveling wave.

I have asked for examples of standing waves void of rearward-
traveling waves and none has been forthcoming.
73, Cecil

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