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Old May 27th 04, 06:35 PM
Posts: n/a

If left uncharged, the internal battery runs down. The radio may need a
Suggest you try this first:

"Strafe" wrote in message
.. .
I have owned an R1 for the past 10+ years and use it occasionally. As the
only local authorized Icom repair shop has told me (who I now believe to

a total scam artist) 'If you don't occasionally use the radio, the

battery will die and have to be replaced'. So, the last time this happened

attempted to unsolder and remove/replace the internal CL2020-1VC myself.

soldering skills suck and I ended up having the scammer fix this for me as
well as replace the internal NiCd battery (P-03ER/F23G1). I'm pulling

part numbers from the service manual BTW. Well, another 2 years have

and I haven't used the radio in a while and of course the R1 is completely
dead again. No amount of charging (with the ac adapter) will bring it back
up. So I decide to try to fix it agin myself. I take the radio apart and
what do I find? The scammer NEVER REPLACED the CL2020, there is just an
empty space where the battery should be.

So, Problem #1 - I'm having trouble sourcing a CL2020-1VC. I'm not sure if
that 1VC means 1 volt or not because all the CL2020's I've seen say they

3 volts. I'll also need a sleeve for it to solder it back on the board (I
have a much better soldering iron now, maybe that will help). Getting the
battery with the sleve already would be great.

Problem #2 - How can I test the internal NiCd? I don't understand why it's
not charging. If I need another one I will need a source for that as well.

You may have guessed I know next to nothing about electronics but I'm
looking to learn, thanks for any help you can provide!
