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Old May 23rd 04, 07:18 PM
Henry Kolesnik
Posts: n/a

OK, if we shine a flashlight at a mirror the light bounces back and what
ever is caught by the reflector will be reflected. Take away the reflector
and the reflection just keeps going. If someone can tell me what the hot
filament does perhaps I can understand what happens in the finals, or
"Cecil Moore" wrote in message
Henry Kolesnik wrote:
I just want to know the reflection physics in the Tx, no antenna tuner,

a mismatched antenna. I recall no pysics book that tell me how the
reflection sees the transmitter.

The reflected waves obey the laws of physics. The kicker is that we
don't know (and apparently cannot directly measure) the source impedance.
What the reflections can do is modify the designed-for load line through
superposition of the forward and reflected waves. Modification of the
designed-for load line is not desirable and, if unprotected, can cause
over-voltage, over-current, or phase problems.
73, Cecil

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