Thread: Yeasu frg 9600
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Old May 31st 04, 10:22 PM
Paul Churchill
Posts: n/a

the gentleman is looking at £110 pounds for it so is a good price compared
to the emporium prices second hand rgrds M3PAC
"Jim Hackett" wrote in message
Mine is a fine radio for Mil air frqs. Just as sensitive if not better
than my BC780. I haven't really tried it much in the civilian aircraft

but don't doubt it's capability. What is a "good" price, in your mind?

P.S. Don't plan on doing any scanning with it as it is beastly s-l-o-w at
about 2 ch/sec! (roughly) Stops for a few seconds or an instant. No other
choices. And what's up with the USB/LSB on a VHF/UHF radio???
I assume you know it's capabilities?

"Paul Churchill" wrote in message
Can anyone who owns a 9600 tell me how these radios are in the

department I want to use one in the Airband area receiving acars data

course voice comms as well but there is a chance of getting one for a

price but are prepared to travel and have a play with it before parting

my cash thanks all.
