Thread: Yeasu frg 9600
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Old June 1st 04, 01:00 AM
Dave Holford
Posts: n/a

Paul Churchill wrote:

Can anyone who owns a 9600 tell me how these radios are in the sensitivity
department I want to use one in the Airband area receiving acars data and of
course voice comms as well but there is a chance of getting one for a good
price but are prepared to travel and have a play with it before parting with
my cash thanks all.


I had a pair of them several years ago. Worked fine on FM but I found
the AM sensitivity, especially on the military UHF band to be poor -
could not come close to my Radio Shack PRO2004, PRO2005, PRO43 scanners.
Also, they perform poorly as scanners - very slow.
