That would be cool, IF it indeed went down into the H.F. spectrum, which it
DOESN'T. It only goes down to 60 Mhz...
"Dale Parfitt" wrote in message
"Jim Hackett" wrote in message
Mine is a fine radio for Mil air frqs. Just as sensitive if not better
than my BC780. I haven't really tried it much in the civilian aircraft
but don't doubt it's capability. What is a "good" price, in your mind?
P.S. Don't plan on doing any scanning with it as it is beastly s-l-o-w
about 2 ch/sec! (roughly) Stops for a few seconds or an instant. No
choices. And what's up with the USB/LSB on a VHF/UHF radio???
I assume you know it's capabilities?
The inclusion of SSB makes it a fine HF receiver in addition to being
to monitor 2M and 70cM SSB/CW activity. I built a small up converter and
plugged it into a spare socket internally. Yaesu already has a knock out
a 2nd SO-239 on the rear apron. Then it becomes a 0.5-900 MHz RX
Dale W4OP