Thread: Yeasu frg 9600
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Old June 1st 04, 05:15 PM
Dave Holford
Posts: n/a

Jim Hackett wrote:

That would be cool, IF it indeed went down into the H.F. spectrum, which it
DOESN'T. It only goes down to 60 Mhz...

Like Dale said - he built an upconverter.

So did I and it performed quite well on HF, Giving a multi-mode wide
range receiver in a small box, some years before anyone else had a valid
competitor - that's why I ended up with two!


"Dale Parfitt" wrote in message

"Jim Hackett" wrote in message
Mine is a fine radio for Mil air frqs. Just as sensitive if not better
than my BC780. I haven't really tried it much in the civilian aircraft

but don't doubt it's capability. What is a "good" price, in your mind?

P.S. Don't plan on doing any scanning with it as it is beastly s-l-o-w

about 2 ch/sec! (roughly) Stops for a few seconds or an instant. No

choices. And what's up with the USB/LSB on a VHF/UHF radio???
I assume you know it's capabilities?

The inclusion of SSB makes it a fine HF receiver in addition to being

to monitor 2M and 70cM SSB/CW activity. I built a small up converter and
plugged it into a spare socket internally. Yaesu already has a knock out

a 2nd SO-239 on the rear apron. Then it becomes a 0.5-900 MHz RX
Dale W4OP