On Wed, 2 Jun 2004 20:50:26 -0500, "SB"
Do you need Mil. Air? The info that I saw on the 246, it will not receive
Mil. Air. You might just set down and write out what you need in a scanner,
like freq. range and features. After you have all your thoughts on paper,
just check out different scanners what they have to offer.
I don't really do any mil-air. I did have some of the freqs programmed
into my bc780 shortly after 9/11 when they were flying CAP over
Chicago. I quickly took it out though, because out here in the
boonies, I couldn't hear anything.
Is your BC780 working ok after the bumps and bruises? If your BC780 is not
working ok, might just send it in to get fix. The BC780 is a good scanner,
but now my Sheriff Office and Highway patrol has gone digital, so now I need
a digital scanner.
For the time being it's working ok. The volume/squelch knob is loose,
though (ouch!) I fear that it might be getting worse -- but it could
just be in my head.