Justice Gustine wrote:
I'm always hearing mountain & 17 reports.
Can you hit WLS repeater?
Yup, I can hit Bonny Dune with 50mW. Little scratchy. 7 miles line of
sight I believe. I have a little ridge between them and me though.
About 900', one mile away.
Have a harder time getting into AOK, but I can. FB is ok. KE is hard but
doable. VS is iffy.
Can't hit BJ in Santa Cruz to save my life. What? Say 13-15 miles
away... Watsonville? You gotta be kidding.
If you want to have nightmares, email me and I'll send you my
propagation map at 2m. I'm at 675'. About 1/4 a mile to the south I'm
looking at a 1400' ridge. About 3/4 a mile to the north, about the
same. To the east gets to 2400' within 5 miles. To the west gets even
higher at 7 miles.
Even Jeff L says I'm essentually screwed. If you want to set up a radio
telescope with lots of earth shielding, I'm in a really good place...
If you're in the hills you might check out ba.mountain-folk if you don't
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the effort." -Herm Albright