June 6th 04, 06:42 AM
"W ä l r ü s" wrote in
Not sure if anyone can help or can forward me to help, but here goes.
Someone gave me a free (old) Cobra SR 925 home base scanner. The
instruction book says it's from 1987. It scans great, has wonderful
clear sound, nice features & was free, but it has a problem.
When you switch it on & hold the button in, the speaker works. When
you let go of the button, the speaker cuts out to silence. Only when
you hold the button down, does it make noise. Also, the button does
not spring back.
I figure it just needs a new switch, but where can I get one installed?
I took the cover off & the switch is directly sealed to a chipboard (no
screws or plugs to undo), so I did not mess with it.
I would like to fix it, because it has crystal clear sound & I am from
an area with no trunking systems. Just a few locals, so I really don't
want to get a new one.
Any online places I can mail to for repair? I figure since it was
free, any repair would be little money to spare. I am going to try
Radio Shack tomorrow, but thought I would check with the group first.
You can try here http://www.iinc.com/ggcomm/repinfo.html - They might have
the part you need.
Might also try blasting the whole area with some electronic parts cleaner.