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Old May 23rd 04, 11:00 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Henry Kolesnik wrote:
Not much but neither does much of this thread regarding my original query.

They have a lot to do with the subject of the thread. :-)

I hope someone that understands the question can answer in a way that my
feeble brain can comprehend. At least we're eliminating what's not the

Back a dozen years ago, or so, Mr. Bruene tried to 'ping' a final
amp with a slightly off-frequency signal to ascertain the output
impedance of the amp and he published his results in QST. His apparent
error was that he didn't do it at the frequency of operation of the
amp and he didn't know what the 'Q' of a final amp really is. There
has been a running argument ever since, probably best documented in
QEX magazine. There are basically two sides to the argument.

1. If load-pulling causes a falloff of power on each side of the
operating point, then the system is conjugately matched. That
conjugate match includes such things as non-dissipative resistances.

2. Conjugate matches do not exist in a typical amateur system.

Brilliant minds have been trying to prove one or the other and
both sides (IMO) have failed in that proof. There is no final,
definitive proof of either position. If there was such, there
would be no argument. That's why we cannot answer
your question. The picture is further clouded by a definition.
If reflected energy makes its way back into the final amp, it
was never generated in the first place, by definition.
73, Cecil

"Reg Edwards" wrote:
Cec et al, what have circulators, S-parameters, etc. to do with HF ?

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