Dr. Phil made me violate the ECPA law!!!
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June 12th 04, 04:27 AM
Posts: n/a
In article ,
I forgot about that. I should change the subject title of this thread then as
it is no longer a correct subject title.
Actually, right after I posted the first two messages in this thread, I decided
I wanted to cancel them. but I didn't know how. so I looked it up.
Instructions by people said to right click and cancel. that didn't work for me.
There wasn't any cancel button on mine.
so I looked in my isp for instructions. Their online printed instructions said
in order for me to cancel newsgroup messages that I posted that I have to send
email to the screen name NewsMaster with the date, subject title, and message
I.D. and that it should be done as soon as possible within 24 hours.
However, when I did that, it wouldn't accept the cancels and kept giving me an
"error message" that said the problem was that that screennames emailbox was
So I finally called my isp in order to find out how I could cancel the 2
newsgroup messages I posted that I wanted cancelled.
And talk about bogus, they were of absolutely no help at all.
At first, a lady with some foreign accent answered. She said she needed my
screen name, which I gave her. But she wasn't able to understand any of my
screen name correctly even when I repeatedly spelled it out for her letter by
letter like she asked me to.
(It was the first time I had called my current isp). After about five or seven
tries of trying to get her to understand which letter was which, she hung up on
So I called back. This time some guy with a foreign accent answered (sonded
like the same kind of foreign accent as her to me). Although he understood the
words I said (unlike the first lady) he couldn't grasp any of the concepts.
He couldn't grasp that a "newsgroup" is NOT the same thing as a webpage. even
though I tried to explain it to him once I realized he didn't understand what a
"newsgroup" is.
He kept telling me that I have to contact the webmaster of the webpage to get my posts deleted. even though I kept trying to explain
to him that it was not a webpage and was a newsgroup without any webmaster.
he kept tellingg me to put www in front of "to get to the
then after a five minute pause where I guess he went to ask someone else about
it (who also obviously didn't know anything going by the next set of answers he
gave me).
blah blah blah You cannot cancel a newsgroups post. Or should I say, if
you can then it would be a waste of time since most people would have
read or have it downloaded into there newsreader by the time the 24hrs
was up.
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