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Old June 18th 04, 04:08 PM
Posts: n/a

We have a few of the Oregon Scientific weather radios with SAME in our
household. They work too well, as far as we're concerned.

We live on a hill near the intersection of three counties. That means that
we have to program the radio to give us alerts in all three counties. And
since the area has so many rivers and streams, 95% of all weather alerts are
flood related. That means that we get awakened continuously by flood
warnings for people living near a river in the far end of one of those
counties. Because our sleep is more important to us than a flood warning, we
usually end up turning off our weather radios. One night this past month, a
very severe thunderstorm came through with winds of 80 to 100 miles per
hour. We had four hardwood trees blow over and lightning hit a tree just 20
feet from our house. No one around was injured, but there was lots of
property damage to clean up. That night, we didn't have our radio on because
the NWS had issued flood warnings throughout the evening, so we turned them
off before we went to bed.

I wish there was a radio that would let you pick and choose which warnings
you wanted to be alerted to. And I wish the NWS had a way to pinpoint a
smaller geographic area than a county.

Just my two cents worth on the subject.