Radio Shack part number 20-289 will work with the PRO-95. I use it and
Don Starr's software and it works great. The cable mentioned above is
grey in color.
Keith wrote:
bill carty wrote:
A couple of questions about the pro 95
first off is there a reasonably priced software product that I can purchase
to program the thing? Radi Smack doesn't seem to have software for it.
Secondly, I have winscn for my bearcart 785 I would like to use that
"Template" to load into my radio shack model 95. I can't seem to find a way
to importit the winscan file into into a TXT file (or I hjave forgotten
Any solutions kind and gentle people?
Bill Carty
There is free software available for Windows. See
You can buy the cable on ebay or, don't use the radio shack
scanner cable with the Pro-95.