With a restrainting order you are lucky your ass isn't in jail. Obviously
you have too much free time if a priority in yourlife is a damned wireless
doorbell. You are stuck on stupid. Get a life and move on.
Emilio Goldstien wrote:
I am almost divorced, but I live pretty close to my (almost) ex-wife's house
I would like to pick up the wireless door chime at her (really MY) old home.
I cannot seem to nail down the frequency. I've rung the doorbell and runaway
6 times now with my scanner to no avail.
One of my kids spotted me because she was parked in the driveway but I
failed to see her till after I rang the bell. Then our eyes met. It was
embarrassing as hell.
Anyway, I obviously can't keep trying that, plus the wife has a restraining
I just think that it must be possible to hear her doorbell from at more than
1000 feet away.
That way, everyone is happy.
I've always been a home automation nut, so this is really mostly for
entertainment purposes.
Anyway, is this legal? It's still my house. Will it sound like a doorbell
on the scanner? Someone told me I can't divulge anything I hear.