"Cecil Moore" wrote in message
Dave wrote:
Cecil wrote:
Uhhhh Dave, the original topic is the Subject: line. If anything,
what happens inside a transmitter is the irrelevant subject since
appreciable reflections hardly ever reach the typical ham transmitter.
here is the original:
Are you saying that the original subject was wrong?
no, only that you ignored the body of the message and answered what you
wanted to discuss instead of what was asked.
of course it is contrived. no one uses loads of those exact impedances,
lengths of coax like you do.
Dave, have you ever heard of an example? What I posted is one
easy-to-understand example of virtually an infinite number of
possible examples of a Z0-match. If you like, here is another
example of a Z0-match:
XMTR------tuner---unknown length of feedline---unknown load
There is a Z0-match at the input of the tuner. All the voltages
and all the currents are very close to in-phase or 180 degrees
out of phase at the input of the tuner. Do you have the balls to
assert that the above configuration is "contrived"?
nope, that is a real world situation, but not the one under discussion.
TO A Z0-MATCH!!! That means all the voltages and currents are close
to being in phase or 180 degrees out of phase. I'm sorry that technical
fact hairlips you. Since your hidden agenda is hidden, I can only
guess what it might be.
so which is it, in phase or 180 degrees out of phase???