Thread: ScannerProgram
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Old July 19th 04, 12:00 AM
michael agner
Posts: n/a

Winscan is generally considered to be the best of the bunch for the
895 (if you're interested in trunking); however, Scan Control just came
out with their latest release that includes both programming and control
for the 895. There are a few bugs to be worked out, but by and large
it's pretty good. It also gives you an upgrade path to the new digital
trunktrackers, should you ever decide to or have to go that way. I'm not
sure about Winscan's upgradablility, if they ever decide to return from
limbo. Their customer support isn't real good; Scan Control has its own
Yahoo group, and questions are answered quite promptly.

The URL for Scan Control is:

If what's there doesn't suit your fancy, describe some more things
you're looking for in a control program. I've done over a dozen reviews
on the Strong Signals website of 895/245 programs; perhaps there's
something out there that is more suitable.
73s Mike Strong Signals software page editor

Rikki wrote:
Have RadioManager and Scan Pro for my BearCat 895XLT. Not really satisfied
with either one. Could someone give me a heads up on Winscan?

Or another program that is good..
