Thread: Pro-95
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Old August 12th 04, 06:34 AM
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Default Pro-95

OK..... I've read the news group for months... I've seen much discussion on
it.... BUT, though I read some of it, I never digested any of the info I
read as I didn't think I'd be interested or need. Now I find myself

IS there - software able to be downloaded to use to program the Pro 95? I
have 2 of them here, that I'd like to get programmed. I'm looking at this
as a time saver...... I do NOT plan to take my radios to RS for help. I'll
do it manually before I go there. I do remember the horror stories I read.
And, quite frankly, I know more of what is in use here than the folks
working there...... I don't know that there are 1000 frequencies here, which
may be the biggest dilemma (filling this thing up), but there are quite a
few and I've got the majority listed on paper..... Again, looking to do this
as a "time saver".

So, assuming my news groups behave themselves and work as they have been....
knock on wood! - I'll read any replies and see what you folks can offer up -

I DO appreciate any help which may be forth coming....... I apologize for
having to beat this dead horse yet again.
