Thread: 500 bucks
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Old August 12th 04, 03:51 PM
Paul Jensen
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 13:27:52 -0500, "Paul Jensen"

"Mark" wrote in message
.. .

The same US healthcare system that forces many of us to get our

Canada? 8-0

That's not the fault of the healthcare system. That's your fault. How

you don't have insurance? What choices did you make in your life that

don't have insurance? I'm talking about the socialized Canadian

system where Canadians have to come to the U.S. for medical procedures
because they are not available in Canada because the government decides

gets what. Why not spend some time in a Buffalo hospital and see where

patients are from.

Recently signed legislation prohibits Medicare from
negotiating prices with the pharma companies. Canada is not so
prohibited. If that ain't the system, what is.

Why are you depending on the government (Medicare)? Where is *your*
insurance? I just go down to the corner Walgreens and pay the $10 of $20
co-pay. Of course I planned my life a little better than those who depend
on government, and I am not interested in subsidizing those who are too lazy
or too stupid to take care of their own affairs.