Is it possible that something else you installed in the mean time may be
taking control of the serial port? Also, if you are running Palm software,
that is known to cause problems with the serial port.
"Bill Crocker" wrote in message
Some things to check...
Many computers have more than one serial port, COM-1, COM-2. Are you
certain it's plugged into the correct RS232 port on your computer? Is the
baud rate the same on both the radio, and the computer?
Bill Crocker
"Pat Cox" wrote in message
Lent my PRC-1000 to a friend and upon return with every piece of
software I use with it I get the following or a similiar message:
"Coummunication failed- cannot access receiver." I have seen this
message before when forgetting to toggle the power switch but nothing I
do will get the computer and PCR to communicate. I have looked and tried
all COM ports, etc. I have uninstalled all software and reinstalled by
the same message appears. Any suggestions? Does the EPROM need to be
reprogrammed? Thanks. pcox