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  #12   Report Post  
Old August 19th 04, 01:23 PM
Posts: n/a

After some research I found that AM 940 WEOC is the absolute best emergency
AM radio station in the Tampa Bay area, broadcasting during emergency
situations 24/7 - and they were apparently a lot of help to folks during
Hurricane Charley. Thanks anyway to those that replied, and hope this info
helps someone else as well.

Their website

(WEOC - Emergency Operations Channel?)


"ScanMan" wrote in message
Loading up the VX-7R with emergency freqs for Tampa area - any opinions on
the best local AM emergency broadcast station? FM? I have all SkyWarn and
amateur freqs, police and emergency and most of the major ones, but

as to the best local AM emergency broadcast freqs for things such as road
closings, traffic congestions, etc. The Yaesu VX-7R has become my fav

for emergency situations - the only thing it won't do is trunk track. As
soon as they come out with a trunk-tracking extended receive quad band
amateur transceiver I am SOLD heh

Thanks -