Thread: pc scanner card
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Old August 24th 04, 02:07 AM
Bill Crocker
Posts: n/a

Icom no longer makes the PCR-100...only the PCR-1000. WiNRADiO's internal
"scanner" cards still require an ISA bus PCI yet available, except
for their overpriced short-wave receiver card. They do have a few external

Bill Crocker

"Matt" wrote in message
There are at least two manufacturers of computer scanners that are fully
computer controlled. Icom produces two external scanners that are
to the computer - but I wouldn't waste your money on them as they have
sensitivity and the software is very limited (particularly when compared
their competitors). The other manufacturer is Winradio which in my
is far superior to Icom. They offer a large range of both internal and
external scanners (i.e. internal = a card that is installed inside your
computer, external = card encapsulated within a small box that is then
connected to the computer). The only drawback to this type of system is
that you need to have a computer to use the scanner.
Have a look at the winradio website and I think that you should be


"DodgeVanGogh" wrote in message
Hello folks,

I'm pretty sure there is no such animal, but Iwas wondering what the
next best thing would be.

I need a fully functional scanner that I can monitor and adj. from my
I have seen the newer units that offer a digital card, and pc controls

my objective is to be able to check freqs from my pc, while the
scanner is away (say on the other end of the building)
any suggestions, comments, ideas accepted!
