there ya go Southern Kiwi
the only systems you will get with your 245 are in the 800 MHz band
try searching there
Marian P Rogers wrote:
Hi All,
The main trunking systems used in NZ a
TeamTalk MPT1327 Nationwide Trunking Network: 414-418MHz (mobile XMT.
The band is to be extended by approx a further 2MHz in the future).
MCS Digital RT EDACS 800Mhz Trunking (mainly used in the North
Island. A number of longhaul truck companies which used to be on the
MPT1327 TeamTalk system have switched over to EDACS. Plus various
business users. The Auckland Volunteer Coastguard also operates on
EDACS for training exercises and Spotter Plane OPs). 859-864MHz
(mobile XMT)
Antares Communications, Netcomm Services, Network Resources LTD King
Communications LTD, Radcom Rentals, TL Parker 800Mhz Motorola Trunking
(mobile XMT 859-864MHz). Also Ports of Auckland 800Mhz Motorola
trunking system & NZ Aluminium Smelters Tiwai Point Bluff South Island
800MHz Motorola trunking system. Auckland, Wellington & Christchurch
International Airports, various security companies, Skycity Casino
Auckland to name a few are all on 800Mhz Motorola trunking.
There's also a small 3 channel UHF 455-457MHz Motorola trunking system
operated by TeamTalk in use at the Auckland International Airport.
(total of 3 trunking networks used there. (1, 400MHz UHF & 2, 800MHZ
Not confirmed but NZ Oil Refineries Marsden Point my also be using
their own UHF 400Mhz trunking system not sure if MPT1327 or Motorola?
Regards, Marian P Rogers New Zealand
"Southern Kiwi" wrote in message ...
Hi, does anyone know where I can get some info on this?
I would like to know if there is a list of freqs, or even what types of
systems are used here (E1, E2 ED etc)
I have found that a protocol MPT 1327 is in widespread use here, but I'm not
sure how this relates to E1 E2 etc.
I have found a trunked band freq spread (406-410 mobile & 414-418 base) but
I'm nut sure which freqs to enter into my uniden 245XLT
Do I just search between these in the normal manner and enter all that I