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  #9   Report Post  
Old September 10th 04, 01:52 AM
Posts: n/a

This is what you want. Will blow away about any other omni antenna out
there. Light years ahead of a discone.



Not quite light years ahead of a discone. Last year I put up a discone
on one side of my house and a ST 2 on the other side, fed them both with
RG 6U double shielded. Had them feeding a Yaesu VR 5000 alternately.
The discone was the one that had the vertical element on top.
On 30-50 I could tell no difference between the 2. But I could use
the discone on 6 meter fm with a 1.9-1 swr. on 148-170 they appeared
to be the same. On some freqs the ST 2 was a tad, and I mean a tad
better. ON other signals in VHF (i.e.144mhz ssb amateur) the discone
picked up distant ssb chatter while the ST 2 picked up nothing. On the
discone I can use on 2 mtr. fm with almost a flat swr. On 440-470 they
apeared to be the same for all intent. Although I can use the discone on
440 fm with a 1.5-1 or so swr. On the 470-512 area there is nothing to
listen to around here so thats a wash. But on 800-912mhz the discone
worked quite well and is somewhat resonant there, while the ST 2
seemed to be about deaf in this area. If you live in an area that gets
freezing rain and wind, even the new improved ST 2 will not last. Its
too fragile. I have never had a discone come down. After my tests I took
down the ST 2 and sold it, and still have up the discone. There is no
substitute for being resonant at various points on a freq plot. The ST 2
basically fakes the radio as far as impededance with the 300 ohm
transformer. It hardly blows the discone out of the water, like I hear so
often. Advertising hype.
