On Sun, 12 Sep 2004, Nelson wrote:
But if you buy it for Canada well there is no laws saying you can't listen
too it here, but trust me on this, after listening to about three hours of
just dribble its not worth anything, mostly its just blah blah blah. I just
delte those frequncies when they come up anymore, not worth the time, just
like listening too taxi's same **** different pile.
Cell phones, Big deal, Boring
This brings up an interesting point. What do you find INTERETSTING to
monitor? I'm finding the usual "public service" bands less than exciting
except when there's a local fire or a surveillance going on (then it's
really funny), occasionally the marine bands while at a beach. The
local Yacht Club vs the Coastguard: comms discipline vs drunken
The "personal communications" frequencies (frs,ham,cb) are usually just plain
boring. There's always the local McDs, but how many "you want fries with
that" can one listen to? The voice pagers are interesting for about 30
seconds, but again, how many "Dr. Foosball, please call the hospital about
patient Gremlin" messages can one hear before ennui sets in.
I'm not a NASCAR fan, although I see where monitoring those transmissions
could be interesting. Likewise, maybe at a baseball game.
So what do you all listen to? Right now, the local EDACS-II is going for
background noise in my place.
By the way: I note that the PRO-94 is on sale right for about $119, in
case anyone's listening. I set up a couple of banks for my local RS's
display model just to try out the programming. Easy, but no digital link
so far as I can see.
Also: if anyone could point me to a USB-interface/sofware for any
consumer scanners, I'd appreciate the information.