"Matt" wrote in
Another thing to check out is all the
additional software that is available for the winradio. There are heaps
of extra add ons for the winradio, andregular updates to the controlling
software, whereas, in the time that I have owned the icom (7 years),
there has been(although I haven't checked for a while) maybe one update
and no extra little plugins. Have a look at the winradio homepage and
you will see what I mean.(www.winradio.net)
While I have never had my hands on the Winradio and there fore cannot
speak as to relative merits of the two, I do have a PCR-1000. While it is
true that ICOM's support for this receiver is shalle we say....
underwhelming, There is a hard disk full of sotware that is either
designed for it or works just fine with it. From alternative control
programs to trunk tracking software, to signal analysis software and
decoders for esoteric modes ( you can even read pager data streams if you
wish). Software for the PCR-1000 is definitely NOT and issue.
Now if only I could find a good CHEAP Winradio 1550e for sale, i would be
happy to compare them and report
