No, the 2052 and 2053 are quite different; the 2052 is kinda closer
to the BC895 than anything else. It can be computer controlled, while
the 2053 cannot. The only inexpensive software I know that does the job
is Scan Control. I'd stay away from the Winscan and Scan Pro offerings;
Pozilla's lack of customer support and the general overall performance
of some of those Scan Pro offerings is kinda, well, crummy. I'm not sure
about the Radio Commander 2052 product - I haven't heard that much pro
or con about it. You can find URLs for all of these products he
There's a fairly interesting page on the 2052 he
Of course, if you're really interested, you should join the PRO2052
Yahoo group; I've no doubt you'd get an earful as to what folks are
using. You can find it he
73s Mike
Jim Rusling wrote:
"Pilotbutteradio" wrote:
Free download.....You will have no trouble using it as it is nearly
identical to your Win95 software. Have fun,
Is the PRO-2052 supported by one of your programs?