No need to make it any more diffislut that it has to be,
Just use a generic cell phone holder. Mount the thing anywhere you
need to in the cab. Some even clip to the air vents.
Run your cables under the dash so that they are out of the way of the
foot pedals (be safe out there) and you're all set.
"Matt" wrote in message ...
Not sure if there are any commercial mounts available or not, but you may
want to look at some of the older (i.e. bulkier) mobile phone brackets that
were designed to hold multiple types of mobile phones. Terminate your cable
for the external antenna with whatever connection the 95 uses (guessing BNC)
and plug it into the scanner and do the same with the power plug - either
run it from the ciggy lighter socket or direct from the fuse block (probably
better off using the accessories rather than direct from the car battery).
Not sure how much damage you want to cause with the fixing of the bracket to
the dash, but you could either screw it in or use some double sided tape for
a less destructive install. Bit of a dick around having to plug in the
antenna and the power every time you put it into the car though - maybe you
might want to permantly install a mobile scanner in the car and use the
handheld for when you are out of the car?
"Ruffin" wrote in message
I have a Pro95 scanner and would like to assemble a easy mount in my
s10 pickup that can hold the scanner and allow me to connect external
power and antenna. I have the antenna already mounted. I need some
kind of holder or pedastol to set the scanner on but still needs to
easily removed etc. Right now it just slides around on the seats
mytemp at rtpscan dot com