I'm wondering about yet another possible scenario or two. Are you sure it
isn't a "birdie" which would make it "appear" as though being keyed up? One
than perhaps the actual transmissions are strong enough to override?
Something which produces a pulsing effect which interferes on that frequency
would produce the symptoms. Another scanner nearby could produce it. Every
time it hits a certain frequency as scanning or stops there, this scanner
could be subject to it. I have 4 scanners here and there are similar
Could be the LTR - not saying it isn't, just giving another theory to look
into. Also, yes, there are some "faulty" transmitters out there, maybe one
not really aware of by the licensees! Then you have clowns with radios that
do play, though the latter doesn't sound in any way to be the problem at
hand. The radio system could have a faulty keying circuit too, especially if
using a phone line relay system. Weird things happen.
"Rich Carlson, N9JIG" wrote in message
This appears to be an LTR system, and the key-ups are used to keep the
subscriber units connected with the system. Try using an LTR capable
scanner such as a BC780, and give it a go.
In article ,
Tempest wrote:
Hey all.
A small town local to me does something that I think is meant to
discourage eavesdropping on their public communications.
When their system is not in use for broadcast, the system 'keys-up'
about every 2 seconds, as if someone was sitting somewhere pushing the
PTT button on their radio.
This, of course, makes monitoring a pain because the scanner stops
every time it hits the active frequency.