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Old October 10th 04, 09:35 PM
Jason Reilly
Posts: n/a

Hi Troy,
As for the most sensitive scanner across VHF & UHF, my answer is a Yupiteru
MVT 7100, though it is a handheld.
Let me qualify.
I don't trust sensitivity measurements - some scanners are better than spec,
others are worse. As an example, the Alinco handheld I have only lists
typical sensitivity - in many cases it is worse when tested. The 780XLT I
have is good, but not great as far as sensitivity is concerned.
I've owned quite a few scanners, and tested most of them:
Pro 2003
Pro 34
Yupiteru 5000
Icom R1
Yupiteru 7000
Yupiteru 7100
AOR 8000
Uniden 200XLT
Uniden 760XLT
Uniden 780 XLT
AOR 3000
AOR 5000
Alinco X2000
Icom 7000
and I've also made comparisons to others that fall outside the definition of
scanner, like amateur radios & commercial two way radios as well.
The Yupiteru blew them all away, offering just over 0.11uV for 12dB SINAD
under test from about 30 to 600 MHz.
But, depending on your situation, the most sensitive is not necessarily
going to be the best. You need a balance of sensitivity, interference
rejection, audio quality and maybe features and ease of use if you are
worried about those points.
By far, the best base station I have in this group is the AOR 5000. It is
quite sensitive, and suffers NO interference unless you are really close to
another transmitting station.
All other base stations in my list above suffered moderate to debilitatingly
severe blocking / intermod / etc. without the use of a FM trap (filter to
reduce the 88-108 FM broadcast band) - AOR 3000 included. The test
conditons a
outdoor antenna, Tandy Discone, elevated to 10 metres above ground with very
high quality cable, and within 10km, I have 2 x 5kW FM transmitters, and
within 40km I have 5 x 200kW FM transmitters, both line of sight. Other
radio activity is quite low, with the exception of a few 148 MHz pagers.
On a budget, though, a PRO 2006 has a good reputation.
Something a bit more upmarket, I suggest AOR 3000.
And if you want to go all out, AOR 5000.
Me, fanatic? Never....
Ta - Jason

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"Troy R." wrote in message
Hi all,
Was wondering if anybody had any ideas regarding what is the most
sensitive base receiver/scanner around. I am talking about VHF and UHF
sensitivity (airband in particular) and am not interested in HF.


Troy Rowland