Thread: Antenna?
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Old October 17th 04, 09:27 PM
Posts: n/a

Even with the LPDA, a 200' mast? OR Tower as the case may be? How many
scanner owners do you know who go to that extreme? Hell, many commercial and
public safety agencies don't even go that far. That was WAY out of touch for
this group. We're talking scanner enthusiasts, not professional or
commercial interests. Hell, most people want just a scanner and that makes
them happy. Some need an outdoor antenna to pick up as maybe the indoor
doesn't do so hot. But to suggest this sort of thing..... I don't know.
There are preamps out there, which can do the trick, for sure. That would
help, with a good coax - and antenna IF someone can budget it without
getting carried away. As I said, then you have permits and registration to
be considered. FAR too much for a scanner enthusiast to want to get involved
with. At that stage, I'd have to think they would need psychiatric help.
That is pure ludicrous. You tell some people this stuff, in need to go with
their scanner, they're liable to say SCREW IT, I don't need to know that


"DougSlug" wrote in message
. net...
I think the LPDA response was to illustrate the point that in the absence
of any real-world contraints or requirements, one might provide an
idealized solution. It correctly answers the question, but might not apply
to the OP's situation. Perhaps Brent can provide a few additional
requirements, such as cost, mounting limitations, bands of interest, etc.?

"Lou" wrote in message
"BrightStar" wrote in message
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 00:32:22 +0200, Volker Tonn

Brent wrote:
What is a good outdoor antenna to use for a Uniden BC796D?

LPDA mounted on a 200ft mast with a rotator feeding into AirCommplus
cable or better with a lownoise preamp sitting at the feeding point.

Can I have YOUR budget. Open for adoption ????

A 200' "mast"?.... Be it a mast or tower, in most cases - you would have
to have to now apply for a permit to install it - from your city/borough
government, as most codes now days don't allow for those things. I doubt
they would allow a mast. As for a "tower", assuming you get the permit
from the local government, then you have to see if it will need
registered with the FCC. There again, paperwork. Then there is the cost
of the 200' tower. Not a cheap investment. And all this for a "SCANNER"?
I don't think so. Out of most people's reach and over kill.
