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Old October 22nd 04, 09:46 PM
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"Dennis McCandless" wrote in message
On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 19:59:56 -0400, "Michael"


Well, I cannot help if I get flamed - or at least some insults, because I
think I might deserve them - but here's my question:

I own an Alinco DJX5 'communications receiver'. I'be been able to receive
everything from Cops to Coroners. (A couple years ago, we had a Medical
Examiner in Toronto that was almost a comedian!) But, I digress....The

can monitor from 0.1 to 2200MHZ.

Last night, I had to go to work and wanted to listen to the Boston / NY

while I was on way to wait for the bus. Since my scanner has 'no gaps' I
assumed it would be a cakewalk to dial in the station and I'm all set

Nope! Owing to my own stupidity, I didn't bother to have a quick peek in

manual to see if anything was different when programming a simple Am

instead os the usual 800 Mhz stuff I usually have programmed. Well,

to say, I couldn't get my local Am whci is very powerful on my radio and

certain I did everthing right.

Would anybody be kind enough to tell me where I went wrong? Again, I was

AM mode, step size was set to 1khz and I tried punching the the numbers
several times. If I'm missing something very obvious - please just let me
know. (Then, kick my ass to Alaska!)

Mike...hiding in a corner...T


If you're having a reception problem rather than a frequency input
problem, it's probably the antenna. I have an Alinco DJ-X2000, and
couldn't get ANYTHING in MW/AM with the stock antenna. I attached a
BNC test probe cable that I had lying around to the antenna jack,
hooked one of the the cable's alligator clips to a few feet of hookup
wire, and the stations came in much better. Then I tried my Radio
Shack collapsible whip antenna, extended to the full length, and that
worked even better. Here's the URL for that antenna:

I guess the stock antennas just aren't designed to perform on the
lower frequencies.


Dennis McCandless

Thanks all. Yes, I tried enering the freq's starting with a '0', then a
decimal, then a combo and still nothing. However, I was hearing 'something'
in those lower bands, except there was no way to tell if I was on the
correct station. Gonna' try a few experiments as well as your ideas.

Mike T