BC80XLT -- 50 channel wonder.
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October 25th 04, 01:10 AM
Evan Platt
Posts: n/a
On 24 Oct 2004 12:18:20 -0700,
(Vic Canova) wrote:
Although frequencies 868 through 894 are blocked on my
10 year-old BC80XLT, I receive a startling amount of
cellular activity between 902 and 925 MHz at its
factory pre-set 12.5k step!
It's been chirping like a bird in that range all
morning, and if I put a signal it catches on HOLD, I'll
often find continuous transmissions (one call after
another). I get answering systems, voice mail messages,
and recorded voice prompts too's fantastic!
Who said the cell band wasn't a blast to listen in on?
I think it's great, and easy to see why certain parties
would want it outlawed for use by We The People. If
this wasn't true, there wouldn't be unblocked versions.
I'll tell ya, between its top-end receiver feats, a
great audio, the slick keypad tricks, and it's rugged
durability (I've put this thing through hell), for a basic Uniden
model, this has proven itself to be anything but a consumer-grade
Holy crap, you mean people still use analog cell phones??
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