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Old November 8th 04, 11:48 PM
Posts: n/a

"Mobile Radio Specialist"

When I search for "radio scanner" I get a list of
233 groups. A search for "scanner radio" has
a list of 103 groups.

What is your favorite scanner-related yahoo group?

There are many good Yahoo radio groups.

Many are intended for a specific geographic
area so what might appeal to one person may
not appeal to another.

I could tell you which ones I belong to but
I live in northern California. I used to belong
to general Yahoo scanner groups with no geographic
component but over time, I dropped them all.
The local ones can often answer the same
types of general questions.

Some groups are subject-specific and not
geographic-specific but some can be both.

Some are for specific receivers/scanners which
can be very helpful.

If you have specific scanner interests, try to
refine your search. The words in each Yahoo
group's description seem to me the ones Yahoo
uses in their group search database.

In the search box at:

If you are interested in:
railroad communications, try scanner railroad
aircraft communications, try scanner aircraft
digital communications, try scanner digital
scanner antennas, try scanner antenna

Some groups will appear more than once with
different searches since well-written descriptions
include the all the topics the group covers.

Be creative with your searches.

Another choice is to join one or two Yahoo groups
and if they are reasonably active and you find that
you like them, ask your same question there. You
may get a better response than here. Also list your
specific scanner interests when you post to them.

If you want to reduce SPAM that can be generated
by joining Yahoo Groups, after you join, go to:
and scroll down to the blue "click here" on the right
side of the screen.
