newbie with 2 way radios and scanners
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November 10th 04, 12:50 AM
Posts: n/a
battery in most handhelds last about 8 to 9 hours
On 9 Nov 2004 15:02:40 -0800,
Bound) wrote:
Get both! A scanner typically is 30mhz and above. CB is in the 27mhz range.
There are a few scanners that cover the CB band (Radioshack Pro-95 for one).
In order to talk to the other towns on the CB you will more than likely need
a outdoor antenna. Do a google search on ham radio/scanners/shortwave and
you should find TONS of info on it.
Oh my God. I just checked what was on the market and I think it's so
strange that these Scanners and CB radios have shrunk/gotten so small.
Before these radios took up whole rooms, and then they took up the
space of a tower desktop computer -- just like in the pictures. Now I
see both Scanners and CB radios that are all hand held that look like
they run on batteries. What type of batteries I don't know if they
are the simple AA Alkaline or Lithium Ion or whatever. I don't trust
those small hand held scanners with their attached antenna on them.
Firstly, they don't look very powerful -- becuase of the small size
I'm afraid the range probably isn't too great. And secondly, what if
it breaks? That compact size would make it imposible for someone to
repair it, also being so small I would imagine it might heat up too
hot if you run it for too long and have some serious concequences on
the internal circuitry. Won't it heat up and melt the electronic
stuff inside if it's that small and compact?
Obviously much of the scanners and CB radios are not what I had in
mind. I was thinking it would be a flat Desktop unit about the size
of a lap top computer only shorter and thicker with an attachment for
whatever antenna on the back. Something that plugs right into the 120
Volt outlet instead of running on batteries. I can't believe this,
the batteries on these new CB's and Scanners probably don't last long
at all. I would imagine that they run out in an hour or so.
Please tell me it's not as bad as I think they might be. I was
looking at Radio Shacks online catalog selection. Would anyone
recommend radio shack or is it always best to go to a different
electronics store in town that's family owned and operated?
What is the life expectancy of these new radios?
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