November 16th 04, 02:38 AM
"Bill Crocker" wrote in message
I usually buy the best scanners I can afford, state-of-the-art! However, I
noticed Radio Shack had their low-end desktop scanner on sale, and I
thought just for fun, I'd pick one up.
It's the PRO-2018 (Cat #20-424) Regular Price: $99.99 On Sale For:
Note, this scanner does not support trunk-tracking, it has no Alpha Tags,
and certainly does not support reception of APCO-25 Digital. However,
what it does, it does very well! A basic VHF/UHF scanner. Easy to
program, easy to operate, excellent sensitivity, (even receives the
weather channel, which my others did not, in my area). The audio is loud,
and clear! The squelch is very quiet!
Frequency Coverage: 29-54, 108-136.9875, 137-174, 380-512MHz
Darn, I didn't know they still sold scanners without 800 MHz.
Considering I live in Macomb Twp, Michigan, and most everything in my area
falls within these bands, it's an ideal scanner for my home office.
Check it out:
Bill Crocker