Which older scanners support PL decoding?
A friend, who's also on our local rescue squad, has reception problems
in his house. His pager only works in his kitchen and if it goes off in
the middle of the night, he has to run into the kitchen to hear the
address of the call. I loaned him a scanner to see if it would pick up
our rescue frequency (46.08 MHz) in his bedroom and it does.
So he'd like to buy a cheap, used scanner to monitor that frequency in
his bedroom at night when he's on call. Our rescue squad is one of 5
fire department companies which use the same frequency and its calls are
sent with a PL code. He doesn't want to hear the calls to the other
companies, thus the need for a scanner that decodes PL.
Since he's only going to listen to one frequency and since PL is
generally an "advanced" feature (i.e. on more expensive scanners), we
thought the best bet would be to find a used PL-enabled scanner on eBay
for this singular task.
Unfortunately, I've been away from scanners for a few years and don't
have at my fingertips a list of older RS or Uniden scanners that support
I'd appreciate it if anyone could provide the model numbers of any older
scanner (base or portable) that supports PL. We can then look for these
models on ebay.
Much thanks in advance.
Howard Bornstein
Design EQ