It definitely does; Continuous Tone Controlled Selective Squelch (CTCSS) and
Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) decoding. LTR, apparently it does not do, but
then do you need it?
Bill Crocker
"CommCtr1" wrote in message
Thank you sir! I went to their website and looked at the specs., I noticed
it doesn't do PL/DPL or if it does, it's not listed. I doesn't do WFM, and
it doesn't do LTR.
So maybe I'll take my chances with the 296D. If there's a problem I'll
it back...........
Thanks to all................
"Bill Crocker" wrote in message
Yes, the PRO-96 does 9600.
Bill Crocker
"CommCtr1" wrote in message
Thanks for all the info. Although I've found Uniden service to be
good. I sent one of my 780's back a month ago and the turn around time
great and unit works better than when I first bought it.
So does the Pro-96 do 9600bps? Thats the most important question at the
"Bill Crocker" wrote in message
I've owned both, and I definately prefer GRE's PRO-96! God help you,
you ever have problems with a Uniden, and go to them for any kind of
Uniden... Service? We don't give no stink'in service!
Bill Crocker
"CommCtr1" wrote in message
I'm in the market for a digital scanner and I'm very loyal to
for a lot of reasons. I need one that does 9600bps for our local
I'm told the Bearcats need some kind of tuning for them to operate
on the APCO25 systems. Can someone fill me in on this?
I'm not a big fan of Radio Shack scanners, I've had a few and
don't impress me at all. My last one was a Pro-91, what a piece of
Rx was horrible, programming was a different story. They make the
programming so complex, for something very simple.
I've recently been told the Pro-96 is a better scanner than the
this just a personal opinion, or is it actually true.
Any information would be appreciated.